MPLS combines network layer packet forwarding with link layer frame switching for L3 packet relaying. This technology not only greatly improves the packet forwarding capability in intermediate systems, but also enhances the network layer routing system's scalability. MPLS技术将网络层分组的网络层转发和链路层交换相结合,不仅有助于提高中继系统的分组转发能力,而且可以对提高网络路由系统的可扩展性起到一定的作用。
For these days, there is an explosive growth of network information, and IP service will become the dominant business in telecommunication network. Optical packet switching takes full advantage of large switching capability and high bandwidth utilization, will become the idea scheme of optical switching network. 在网络信息量爆炸式增长、IP业务将成为电信网的主导业务的今天,光分组交换技术利用其交换容量大、带宽利用率高等优势,成为光交换网络的最终理想方案。